Denmark Men's Shed
Promoting Men's Health & Wellness in an Environment of Support and FellowshipCARE - RESPECT - DIGNITY - FELLOWSHIP

Latest News
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Open Day
Celebrate Men’s Health Week Saturday June 17th - 8am to 2pm. Jumble sale, Mens Health Walk, Machinery and Tools, Sausage sizzle, Guest Health Care Professionals, Shed Product Stall
Invitation to women to join us
The Denmark Men’s Shed has been growing from strength to strength over seven years. We now have a fully operational workshop with trained operators. Our meeting room is spacious and comes with a wood heater and modern kitchen. The Denmark Men’s Shed has had as a core...
What an amazing place. Nestled in the woods, close to the Denmark River and a warm, friendly meeting place to hang out with friends, watch satellite TV, play pool, board games or to make things with wood. We have it all and more. About Divi Meetups Lorem ipsum...
Meet our Shedders
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Our Key Benefactors


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