Denmark Men's Shed
Promoting Men's Health & Wellness in an Environment of Support and FellowshipCARE - RESPECT - DIGNITY - FELLOWSHIP

Latest News
(Click on the headings below to view the full article)
Come see our fantastic workshop
The Denmark Men's Shed has a magnificent workshop that is equipped with the right woodwork tools to make things you need. We repair furniture, make toys, gift boxes and nesting boxes for birds and animals. Our kindling team have sacks of kindling at $15 a bag to get...
A New Shed for Denmark
The Denmark Men’s Shed (DMS) has built a spacious new shed that includes a meeting room which is available for hire by residents. Booking forms are available at the Shed. The Shed has been designed to enable the community to meet in a safe place in a beautiful...
And another Xmas present
And yet another Xmas present was a letter also received late yesterday from David Schober, Acting CEO, Shire of Denmark expressing the Shire's support for the Denmark Menshed not just related to our bid for Lottery West funding but for the Shire's commendation of the...
Meet our Shedders
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