Denmark Men's Shed
Promoting Men's Health & Wellness in an Environment of Support and FellowshipCARE - RESPECT - DIGNITY - FELLOWSHIP
Fawlty Towers
- Wrongly Shaped Chips
- Manual’s in Charge
- Reserving a Table for Dinner
- She Go Crazy
- Basil versus Manuel
- Manual Practices his English
- Basil’s Wife Trouble Part 1
- I know Nothing
- Is This a Piece of Your Brain
- I Want a Waldorf Salad
- Corked Wine
- Waiter
- Communication Problems
- Basil’s Wife Trouble Part 2
- Basil and the Doctor
- Hairy Bogey
- Meeting Loard Melbury
- Mr Brown
- Fawlty Towers – “I Speak English”
- Fawlty Towers – A Biscuit with Your Rat?
- Fawlty Towers – Basil and the Major
- Fawlty Towers – Basils Troubles Wife Trouble Part 1
- Fawlty Towers – Bloopers
- Fawlty Towers – Two Dead, Twenty Five to Go
- Fawlty Towers Basil Cracks Up – Full Scene
- Complaining about the Water
- Can anyone hear me?
- A Lot of Cock-Ups
- The Flirty French Guest
- Double Bed
- Dog in the Dining Room
- I’m so Sorry – I made a Mistake
- Saga of the Starling Inspector
- Topless Afternoon Tea
- You Disgust Me
- Gossiping about the Guests
- Bastard
- Brahms
- Gin and Orange, lemon squash and water
- Prunella ScalesA Fine Woman
- Breakfast in Bed
- P-off
- Duck Surprise
- Women are Strange Creatures
- Avenue of Pleasure
- Fawlty Towers -Duck Surprise
- Fawlty Towers: Avenue of pleasure
- Fawlty Towers: Basil gropes a guest
- Fawlty Towers: Gin and orange, lemon squash, scotch and water, please!
- Fawlty Towers: Manuel’s in charge
- Fawlty Towers: Throw it away